Karin Fioritto

Hello and welcome to my Portfolio! My name is Karin Fioritto and I’m a Graphic Design student based in Udine, Italy. Have a look at my works 🙂

Dream seeker with a big universe in mind.
I like to create, to inspire and be inspired.

After the high school I’ve immediately felt the pressure to choose something to study, without knowing first what I really liked and wanted. I started the university and I got lost. I left it three months later and I started to work in a bar, where I grew a lot.

I believe that everything happens for a reason: a colleague spoke to me about some Graphic Design courses. This is how I got to discover this beautiful world. I started a Multimedia Techniques’ course. The class next to mine was the Graphic Design one. I began to sneak into some lessons because that’s what I was really feeling an attraction to. Those courses gave me the opportunity to work for a little business company, creating magazines about my territory (a wonderful place called Friuli Venezia Giulia). I’ve loved to make them.

After one year working I had everything I needed to: a car, some money to travel, time for my personal projects… but something was missing. That work was not making me a good Graphic Designer, I was just doing the same thing over and over again.

I’ve felt the urge to change. At the IUAV open day I’ve met a girl that spoke to me about her experience as an Au Pair in the United States (Do you remember? everything happens for a reason). In the next days I started my application and three months later I was in Connecticut, living the American dream.

America has been such an important step for my developement. One year later I came back home, started to think what I wanted to do. Something was still missing, I needed to find my way. I started working in a restaurant. It was just time passing by anonymously, since a day a recruiter called me. Three months after being back home I’ve reached the Netherlands.

I started to work in a restaurant in Amsterdam, I’ve found a house, good friends, opened a Health Insurance and a Citizen Service Number. Same story again, working everyday but feeling empty in my deepest. After a year I decided to go back home. I wanted to enjoy my family and to finally make a decision for my life: I started my Graphic Design studies.

Graphic & Editorial Design

Posters for the bicentenary of Louis Pasteur
Celebrating the Bicentenary of Louis Pasteur through the use of forms and photography. The series aim to represent Louis Pasteur’s rebutall about the spontaneous generation theory and to celebrate his revolutionary ideas.

Wired Magazine
Illustration created for a Wired Magazine’s issue about the negative effects of the Pandemic. It wants to represent the isolation and solitude’s feelings this hard time made us feel.
Less is more
With just few words Mies van der Rohe brought out the importance of being essential, that does not mean to be poor on content. The front and back covers of this book want to reproduce this idea. The project aims to express with less and to give importance to white space.

Udine Magazine
A magazine about my city, Udine, and one of the first ones I have ever made. The contents, the pictures and the layout were all created from scratch. I went all over the places to find good spots to photograph and asked to a lot of friends, artists and musicians if I could write articles about them. It has been a challenge and I was so happy when I first hold it in my hands, it was real!

UX/UI Design

Healthy Tummy
Healthy Tummy is a blog sharing delicious healthy recipes made with non-processed natural foods, in order to raise awareness about the importance of having an healthy lifestyle. The desktop version is based on hover interactions while the mobile one works on parallax effects.

Piombino Mobile
The city of Piombino needed a redesign for its tourism website. Here the mobile version.
Illustrated Biography
Inspired by the work of the illustrator Pia Valentinis I created my biography, with drawings and few words.

Animated Objects
Inspired by Christoph Niemann and his Abstract Sundays, I tried to collect some objects and make draws out of them.

Personal Projects
I like to try and learn new things. To make earrings was one of them. I was living in Amsterdam when I discovered this beautiful world and that city let my creativity explode.

Moments – A photographic collection
The United States have been such a great discovery for me. The best way I have to investigate the unknown is to photograph it, having the opportunity to watch it again and to think about it, showing what the world through my eyes looks like. I am a great observer. I’ve always loved to watch people from the outside of their world, through an imaginary window, trying to catch their thoughts and feelings while they live their life. Moments speaks about that.

Acrylic Leaves
For Christmas 2021 I made something very unique for the people I love, to remind them the importance of the little things. It has been an overwhelming time and I’ve found an escape realizing these small pictures. The background is made by pressed leaves, first covered with acrylic, while the poem is something I’ve felt from my heart and it says: “take a break, take a breath, enjoy every moment you have”.